Occult Coalition

The Classroom => User Resources => Topic started by: Shane on Feb 20, 2025, 06:09 PM

Title: Energy Awareness & Energy Sensitivity Training
Post by: Shane on Feb 20, 2025, 06:09 PM
In this document we'll be going over two things.. Feeling your own energy and then feeling the energy around you, no, not other people's energy yet, just the environment/nearby areas energy. The exercises presented in this document are also able to be used to increase or work on the sensitivity of your senses, etc.

So starting off, we'll go over feeling your own energy... In it's basic form this does sound really simple does it not? Well guess what, it actually is, but oh wait, you'll now ask why so many people have trouble doing such early on if it's simple, right? Well the simple thing I would say to that is... They don't have trouble, they just aren't taking notice that they are in fact doing it due to expecting too much early on.

To start off we'll go over the simplest method... Which is simply a regular meditation... For this you'll be sitting down or laying down in a comfortable position, not in a way that you can fall asleep though, keep that in mind... Then you'll slow your breath as much as you can without feeling uncomfortable from it, this'll start relaxing you even more so. Next, you'll just literally sit there, and look for any feeling that are abnormal, this was the first method I did, and in a bit, I felt it... To me it felt like, and still does feel like, vibrations throughout my whole body.

The next method is one that I designed and refined for the specific purpose of making it much easier and more efficient on any practitioner of energy work... But it may be a bit more time consuming but please just go through with the meditation and not stop just because you get bored... This one is similar to above but in this case you'll focus on every sensation you have... And you'll slowly pick out any that you can describe as being physical and push them away, do this until you hit a sensation that you can not explain, this likely, will be your energy.

The next thing we will be going over is a lot more complicated to actually do and this is becoming aware of the energy around you in the air, environment, etc... But it is still relatively easy, I want you to sit down, don't really meditate though, just relax a tad bit... Next I want you to look around you, what does the air feel like on your skin/body? What does everything around you feel like? The key is, DO NOT actually touch things, just ask yourself what they feel like... This is the first step of outer awareness.

The next is after you have done such for quite a bit, you'll now attempt to take the energy sense you have developed of your own energy and expand it outwards... Almost think of it like a bubble within you growing to also feel or interact with the outside energy. Maybe run your hands over things and just listen, feel, etc. You'll notice it.